Karaoke song list round 1

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Some of us like to hide our light under a bushel until the opportune time.

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Then of course there are those hidden gems unearthed during a bout of karaoke. Even though it’s painful on the ears, bad singers are all part of the entertainment, which makes karaoke a pastime that singers of all abilities can enjoy.

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The beauty of karaoke though is that you don’t actually need to be any good at singing to give it a go. No doubt we’ve all been there, witnessing an excruciating singalong built firmly on enthusiasm rather than talent! Working in an industry like ours, we’ve heard a fair few karaoke car crashes in our time with some horrendous memories of caterwauling and tone deaf wannabe songsters. While karaoke’s popularity has been up and down in recent years, it’s still a beloved pastime for many a pub-going Brit – and plenty of us have a favourite go-to song choice when it comes to stepping up and belting one out.

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